Schedule Your Chimney Sweeping Appointment Now!

With summer temperatures at their peak, your fireplace and chimney are Schedule Your Chimney Sweeping Appointment Now!- Indianapolis IN- Your Chimney Sweep-w800-h597probably the furthest thing from your mind. But fall will be here before you know it, which is why you should schedule your chimney sweeping now! Thinking ahead and having your chimney swept this summer brings many benefits.

Beat the fall rush.

Chimney sweeping is a fall tradition. Each year, that is when most homeowners call their sweeps and schedule their appointments. When you wait to schedule your chimney sweeping during our busiest time of the year, you risk having a long wait time to see a chimney sweep. When you call to schedule your appointment now, you will be first in line for your annual chimney sweeping and inspection!

Identify repairs early.

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits to having your chimney swept and inspected early is that it allows you to identify any needed repairs or maintenance early. If your summer inspection turns up problems with your chimney, you have plenty of time to have those problems addressed before you are ready to use your fireplace.

Prevent foul odors.

Summer’s heat and humidity can cause unpleasant odors in your chimney. Creosote, the sticky substance that builds up on your chimney walls each time you burn a fire, can cause an acrid, burning smell when it mixes with moisture and heats up. Having creosote cleared away from your chimney can get rid of any unpleasant fireplace smells filling your home this summer.

Stop damage.

The creosote that builds up in your chimney also can damage your fireplace and chimney. It is corrosive in nature and can wear away chimney liners and fireplace components. Sweeping it away instead of letting it sit in the chimney all summer can help to prevent some of that damage. Additionally, if you have minor leaks in your chimney that developed over the past winter, having them identified and repaired now can prevent further water damage. It seems like summer would be easy on a chimney, but heavy rainstorms can wreak havoc on your home and chimney if chimney leaks go unchecked.

Don’t miss out on fall fires!

Most homeowners have busy schedules, and remembering to schedule an appointment, and finding time for that appointment, can be difficult. If you wait too long to schedule your chimney sweeping, fall could be here before you chimney is ready. As you probably know, you should never light a fire before you chimney has been swept, inspected and approved for the coming winter.

If you are ready to beat the fall rush and have your chimney swept, inspected and repaired before fall sets in, call Your Chimney Sweep to schedule your annual chimney sweeping and inspection today!

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