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The levels and process of a detailed chimney inspection

Chimney professionals know the importance of chimney inspections, and we sometimes even overstate the importance of it. While you might know the importance of annual chimney maintenance, but how exactly are chimney inspections performed and what are the differences between the three types of chimney inspections suggested by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA).

Level 1 chimney inspection

The levels and process of a detailed chimney inspection - Indianapolis IN - Your Chimney SweepA Level 1 chimney inspection is the first and most necessary of all chimney inspections. This is an annual requirement for those homeowners who stay up-to-date on chimney maintenance. A level 1 inspections is for when there are no suspected damage. It’s also good for when there has not been changes for the fireplace or chimney system. A Level 1 chimney inspection is a visual inspection of the easily accessible portions of your chimney and hearth.

From the rooftop, your chimney sweep look down to check for any signs of damage. They also check for damage or missing pieces on the exterior of the chimney. The sweep look at the firebox and damper. They peer up the chimney to check for visible damages as well.

Level 2 chimney inspection

A Level 2 chimney inspection is a more thorough examination of your fireplace and chimney. A level 2 chimney inspection is for when the sweep notices signs of damages during a Level 1 chimney inspection. This level is also for when a property changes hands, there are any changes in your fireplace or chimney, or when there are suspected damages.

To perform a Level 2 chimney inspection, your chimney sweep performs everything from a Level 1 inspection. In addition, they also examine the all access and available portions of your chimney such as the attics, crawl spaces and access panels. Your sweep also insert a specialized camera up your flue to verify no signs of damage or obstruction.

Level 3 chimney inspection

A Level 3 chimney inspection is an invasive chimney inspection that involves opening your chimney to expose any hidden and hard to see damages. A Level 3 chimney inspection is for when damage is found within the chimney. It is also for when a level 2 reveals signs of a greater problem deep within the chimney. During a Level 3 inspections, portions of the chimney or home might be demolished or dismantled to expose problem areas.

If your chimney need a chimney inspection — whether it’s a Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 chimney inspection — call Your Chimney Sweep to schedule an appointment! We can perform these inspections and make recommendations for repairs. With an inspection from Your Chimney Sweep, you can be confident of the true state of your chimney and enjoy your fireplace peacefully!

By Joe Sauter on August 14th, 2018 | Tagged with: Tags: , , | Leave a Comment