Schedule a Chimney Sweeping for the New Year

Have you made your New Year’s resolution? For many homeowners, having a cleaner home and staying on top of home maintenance top their resolution lists. Here is why you should schedule a chimney sweeping for the new year.

Stay on Top of Home Maintenance

Many homeowners feel lost under a mountain of home maintenance to-dos. If you’re looking to up your home-maintenance game, schedule a chimney sweeping and inspection! All chimneys and fireplaces should be cleaned and inspected at least once per year to keep home’s safe from the risk of a chimney fire and to lower the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning in the home. However, this is one home-maintenance task you should leave to the professionals. All you have to do is call to make the appointment.

Keep Your Home Cleaner

A cleaner chimney and fireplace also means a cleaner home. If you have a wood-burning fireplace, a dirty chimney can cause smoke to back up into your home, leaving dust and small particles all over your furniture. A dirty chimney also can lead to unpleasant odors that can flow backward into your home, leaving your home smelling foul no matter how well you clean it. Scheduling a new year’s chimney cleaning can help to freshen your home and rid it of embarrassing odors in the new year.

Lower Your Carbon Footprint

Are you looking to lower your impact on the environment in the new year? Keeping your chimney and fireplace — and putting them to use — can help. A chimney sweeping and inspection helps to keep your fireplace running more efficiently, lowering your energy bills and lessening your carbon output. And when you use your fireplace more frequently, whether you’re burning clean natural gas or carbon-neutral wood or wood pellets, you’re doing your part to heat your home in a cleaner, more natural way.

Save Money

Year after year, saving money tops the list of most popular new year’s resolutions. Having your fireplace and chimney swept and inspected can help! First and foremost, a clean chimney and fireplace help the entire system run more efficiently. As an added bonus, when you use your fireplace more frequently, you can lower the thermostat for the rest of your home and concentrate your heating dollars on the rooms you spend the most time in, which can lower you home-heating bills dramatically.

If you’re moving forward on your new year’s resolution, let Your Chimney Sweep help! Call to schedule your new year’s chimney sweeping and inspection today!